Contact Us
Have questions about what Sugarplum Studio has to offer? Interested in ordering a Custom Item or Party To Go? Fill out the form below and we’ll get the process started!
All items are custom prepared by pre-order. Recommended advance order windows are listed with each item on the Custom Cake and Bakery Item Menu, and subject to schedule availability. Please order as early as possible to guarantee date availability. For dates marked as booked, I am unable to take any additional orders, including bakery items and Party To Go packages.
It’s never too early to secure a date! Even if you don’t know all of your order details now, you can secure a date with a deposit now while it’s open! Some dates book faster than others, especially around holidays.
We are currently experience an intermittent issue with the Contact Form. Please send all inquiries to SHARON@SUGARPLUMSTUDIO.COM